My inspiration for this came from one of our members at 2SS's. The link is Here .
My sister took this picture of my daughter over a year ago. Mary has a great eye for photography, and I always love to use her work on my layouts.
I have given my blog a catchy new name...A Life Artist's Type Culture.
"What the hell is that?", you may ask.
Hmmm...let us ponder this for a while. While we, our little sub-culture, are more commonly known as scrapbookers, many of us who tell our life's stories have adopted the more accurate name of "Life Artist", as coined by Ali Edwards.
She seems to have summed it up quite nicely:
...gave a little presentation about my scrapbooking philosophy and introduced my new name for scrapbookers/creative people who are into celebrating life through art: life artist. "Scrapbooker" just doesn't cut it - it is so much more than that name implies.
So, life artist it is.
So who is a life artist? Do you take photos of your family, yourself, your environment, your world? Do you tell stories? Do you bring them all together onto paper, into your computer, onto a canvas (or some other cool concoction)? Do you create art journals with all kinds of wonderfully interesting pieces of your life and thoughts and emotions? Do you celebrate your life through your art?
You are a life artist.
So it is. I tell my story through my artwork. Through my photos, and my words, and my thoughts and my hands. It all comes together in a flurry of cutting and pasting, whether in the tangible sense, or digital, it has my stamp on it. It is my story, and I'm telling it as i see it.
Let us now dissect the phrase, "type culture". Webster's definition is: (n) a viable culture of an organism that is directly descended from the strain or isolation on which the original description of the organism is based.
In my warped little mind, I see myself as an adaptation of the original...and yet, an original in my own right. Sort of an evolution of what is commonly known. As a Biology major that analogy to the scientific is just, well, damn good! Plus, let's not forget the fact that I have played on the word "type", as I am only able to keep this blog alive through my type, and that blogging is a total sub-culture in itself.
I get so jazzed over playing with words like that. Maybe I am a little idiosyncratic, and maybe it goes unappreciated by most, but hey, it makes me happy!